Saturday, February 7, 2015

yesterday's poem remembered incorrectly

Cottonball clouds
punctuate a flawless expanse,
The End.

Deep Discount

A woman who shouldn't wear
knits stands scarecrow still in a
flapping of on-sale sweaters.

Sunday, February 1, 2015

pillbug comfortable

fine lines frost the window,
the inside
 tracing fingertips with 
the outside 
 through glass.
duvet feather flurries.
waking up pillbug comfortable.

Thursday, January 1, 2015

the room going quiet

trees frightened by candles.

people gather to protect 
the forest from harm.

lost thoughts gather no moss

recently a dream stayed with me throughout the day
underlying every sense and sentence was the awareness of this other world
a shadow of subconscious self lurking between the letters of words
the pause in a phrase of an incomplete sentence
not intrusive, a fog not entirely lifted from the landscape of experience
and yet, the dream forgotten in the flow of subsequent days and times
what lingers is the intimation of company, the sentiment of almost
the fingertip sensation of failure