Tuesday, December 11, 2012

passion poem

  ~ for pb who asked

charcoal on newsprint
a freshly sharpened pencil
arches 88

Friday, September 28, 2012

today there is no poetry in the trainscape
dirt is dirt
the slanting sunlight on swiftly passing trees sings no melody
a field of beached pines swamped in bullrushes are no eloquent statement of place and time and passage
just dead trees with their feet mucking about in the water
the view from seat 6A populates and depopulates with people or pines, sumac shrubbery or streets at level crossings
no poetry. all is what it is
obtaining no meta
on the side road, there is a stop ahead.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012


there is nothing like
sending you several texts
and nothing comes back

Saturday, June 9, 2012

til death do us part

sleeping in, toes up
who will be the first to be
wearing a toe tag

Sunday, June 3, 2012

may day

every mom molecule
aching to embrace
my fully grown child

(actually composed on May 1st)


a mangy squirrel
didn't mind human proximity
scrounging food from a curbside bag
the mangy squirrel is still in the street
not yet flattened by the wheels
of too many people

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

traffic slows down
a desultory cat crosses